We could have also called this “How to fix a stripped out screw hole in wood” or “Using a matchstick to fix a screw hole” or “Using a toothpick to fix a screw hole”. Whatever kind of hole you want to fill, this solution works. That totally didn’t sound right.
So you’ve got something made out of wood and something attached to it with a screw coming a little loose. Maybe it’s a picnic table, maybe it’s your shoeshine box and the tiny little lock broke off because you crammed too many cans of Dr. Marten Dubbin and Dr. Martens Wonder Balsam in it, maybe you have a door that feels like the hinges are pulling away from the frame a little bit because you tried to force it shut even though you knew darn well the tail of you daughter’s stuffed animal snake was in it.
Let’s go with the door hinge scenario.
1. Find an appropriate sized piece of wood material to jam into the hole (matchstick, toothpick, etc.). Put glue on it and jam it in the hole (bigger hole=more things jammed into it).
2. Cut them off using your Husky Folding Utility Knife that I know you went out and bought after reading about here.
3. That’s pretty much it. Now you can screw into it. Let it dry if you’re chicken.
4. Get a giant dog to lay on your feet and pant.
I know it’s not astrophysics, but you DID just create matter you smartie pants.