You know the feeling. You’re walking through the mall and you feel your pants vibrate and clutch at your pocket for your phone like you have some kind of disorder only to find there’s no text, no call, and it’s not your turn for Words With Friends. WTF was that? It was Phantom Vibration Syndrome, my friend.
It probably makes your wife or girlfriend a little suspicious too doesn’t it? Cause you whip your phone out and then go “huh” and put it back in your pocket. In their head it was a secret message from your work wife, or one of the guys letting you know about a trip to the strip club they’re planning for later tonight.
It’s like how when you have a kid your brain does a thing where you can hear your kid’s tiny voice calling for you in a noisy store or at a playground over all the other noise.
It’s a real thing.
There are scientists and universities who have actually spent real American dollars doing research on this. They’ve come up with the names “phantom vibration syndrome” or “vibranxiety”. It’s not as much of a waste of money doing a study to figure out what kind of porn people prefer, or that original Doritos are better than Ranch, but it’s close.
When I ring a bell do you salivate?
Well you should cause you’ve been trained sucka. It’s pretty much that you’re like a trained dog. You trained yourself. Your brain did an amazing thing. Your brain re-wired itself to filter out all other distractions so you could sense that phone vibrating. It’s like how when you have a kid your brain does a thing where you can pick out your kid’s tiny voice calling for you in a noisy store or in a playground. Same thing, more or less.
Of course I think it’s more like that phone in your front, left pocket is burning some kind of cancerous electro-magnetic tumor into your thigh muscle and it’s picking up minute signals from your phone and making your synapses fire a tiny signal to make your muscle twitch.
What do you think it is?
Hahaha, love this!
Pete Fazio
Thanks Pesce. Tell your friends. Like us on FB. Subscribe. Follow. Evangelize.
Nice crotch shot.
I suffer from this affliction. Nice post. And I agree with Alison.
Erin B. Inspired
Dude, I have this all the time. When I worked retail in college, it was worse though because I kept my phone on vibrate in my pocket. I always just thought I was being a spaz. Thanks for the reassurance I’m not crazy.
Pete Fazio
You’re not crazy, your thigh is crazy.
Mick Lovin
I get it even when the phone is not in my pocket… I reach for it & remember that it is sitting in my center console or on my computer desk… I have also thought I’ve HEARD my phone message tone go off… Maybe I’m just lonely … :(
Pete Fazio
Yep, that’s a sure sign that you’ve got full-on phantom vibration syndrome. I have it bad too. I feel the vibrate, go for the pocket grab, and realize the phone is on the coffee table. I’m sure my left thigh has some kind of crazy growth in it.
Try the pocket pat instead. It can be done surreptitiously, so only YOU know that your thigh is crazy.
You know who else kept his phone in his front left pocket? Hitler! Right side is for the phone, and left side is for keys and wallet. Everyone knows that.
Brent Almond
This happens to me when I wear my leather jacket — my breast pocket vibrates when I’m in the car. Even when my phone isn’t even in there.
I think it’s the devil trying to get me to text and drive.
Cecil @ Dreadmill Drummer
I’m sorry to say that I have actually felt this. Even when I’m at work and I’m staring at my phone right in front of my keyboard like it is now.
Ahahahah This has happened to me quite a lot! The funny thing is that I never put my phone in vibrate mode, but I “feel” in my purse, or my pants. Thanks for this post, I thought I was veeeeeery alone on this :)
Pete Fazio
We’re right there with you.