The Maclaren BMW Stroller

The Maclaren BMW Stroller

The Maclaren BMW Buggy (or as we say in the USA, stroller) is sleek and cool, combining the best materials and design details to create what we found to be a pretty rad stroller.

Maclaren contacted Dadand to be one of the first sites in the US to have their new BMW stroller and put it through the paces, so we did. We don’t have a stroller test track at the Dadand HQ so all we could think was, where’s a better place to put a stroller to the test and beat the crap out of it than the streets of New York City? Nowhere, that’s where. So we took it there.

Maclaren BMW Stroller in Times Square

It’s got everything you’d expect a Maclaren BMW stroller to have–the lightweight frame, adjustable seat positions, carrying strap–and more:

  • 4-wheel suspension
  • Reflective accents
  • 5-point harness
  • BMW bucket-inspired seat with a bonus seat liner insert
  • Detachable hood
  • Rain shield

At just 12.4 pounds (5.7kg) it’s not a difficult task to carry it around in it’s folded up position (we carried it folded up from Brooklyn through the subway and into mid-town Manhattan, which was just about as long as the bean was willing to walk). The stroller is suitable for infants older than 6-months old and children up to 55 pounds, and my 6-year old found it very comfortable for sightseeing and touring. And I found it comfortable for pushing her around all day, plus it has a large storage area in the bottom for carrying purses, jackets, etc.

Maclaren BMW Stroller

We’re quite manly, if you haven’t caught on, and it takes a lot for a stroller to meet up to the badass-ness that we demand from the other vehicles in our lives, so Bravo to Maclaren for producing a ride that we can be excited to roll around town. Ours is Medieval Blue, but it also comes in classic BMW colors Silver and Black.

Here we are pretending to point at something off in the distance. Just kidding, we were actually doing this when Emily snapped our pic, but we do look alike a couple of catalog models posing. I look like a regular David Gandy.

Sightseeing with the Maclaren BMW Stroller

The suspension makes the ride down the boardwalk back at home a little more comfortable for the little ones (I assume). I was too heavy and just bottomed out the suspension so there’s no way to really know. I also felt like the handles were offset enough to where I didn’t feel like I was leaning over to push it and kicking the back of the stroller with every step.

Maclaren BMW Stroller

Since it’s lightweight and compact you can cram it just about anywhere in the car, not just the boot.

Travel with the Maclaren BMW Stroller

They also sent us a baby-friendly steering wheel accessory to have my daughter hold during the ride, but she was more enamored with the idea of joining the racing team and popped my helmet on for size. She makes quite a convincing Stig if I do say so myself.

Maclaren BMW Stroller


Thank you for the rad stroller, Maclaren.

Learn more about Maclaren and interact with them on their Facebook page.



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