So much that I do depends on color.
I choose colors for my clients’ logos, paint for the wall of our living room and when picking out the perfect color to complete that crayon landscape with my little budding artists.
I can’t imagine having that limited. The spectrum offers so much opportunity.
To make a statement. Evoke a mood. Connect emotionally or to capture the world we live in.
My father-in-law is colorblind.
I didn’t give it much thought, other than realizing he needed some help picking out clothing.
It’s not that I lack compassion, but colorblindness seems to be fairly common with nearly 300 million affected by the condition worldwide.
I bet you know someone who is colorblind. Right?
Well, I have a new appreciation after watching this video from Valspar paint. It really is awesome.
Like goosebumps-awesome.
Color for the Colorblind
Wow, right?
So I mentioned my father-in-law. He is a collector of antiques and art, and has a particular fascination with art glass. He has beautiful pieces—Chihuly…Higgins glass.
Valspar’s film made me realize he can’t enjoy that art the way I do. And to paraphrase from the film, color is such a private experience, I wonder how his experience with art would change with the EnChroma glasses.

I snapped this shot of some art glass during a recent trip to Las Vegas. It was really captivating, but I couldn’t imagine how someone who is colorblind would experience it.
Share #ColorForAll
I’d encourage you to share Color for the Colorblind, and help support Valspar’s #ColorForAll initiative—let’s bring color to those who don’t have it, and for those of you that do have color, bring a new appreciation to it.
Valspar is going to gift these innovative EnChroma glasses to select individuals who are colorblind or are affected by colorblindness, who either share their own stories using #ColorForAll or submit their stories at, where responses will be featured along with additional footage from the film.
You can visit to join the conversation.
Disclosure: Dadand was compensated to post about Valspar—a company whose products we love and use all the time. Despite that, we believe in this social cause and the opinions expressed by Dadand are our own. To provide as much transparency as possible, Dadand makes every reasonable effort to disclose the source of all products and services reviewed.
1 Comment
I always wonder if other people see the colour blue the same way I do.